…from Noel’s clients, artists, and colleagues…
“The compound annual return on investment of Noel’s selections have exceeded any other investment I have made”
N. Hart

N. Hart collection

“Noel is a fountain of information and her passion for the arts is unmatched. We have purchased several pieces of art through her and have been more than pleased. Sixteen years later, she continues to share updated information about artists in our collection. Our most prized piece is a custom Sam Gilliam drape. Noel meticulously facilitated every detail of the commission and installation from her NYC office of Noel Art Liaison Inc! The process was seamless. We put our trust in Noel and were not disappointed. Her expertise, personality, and support are a perfect combination”.
Ann & Bernie Ford
“We literally got serious about collecting art when we met Noel, at time she opened her first gallery in Charlotte. She had so much to offer us in terms of knowledge, taste, placement, and affordability. We became lifelong clients, until we literally ran out of wall space to hang or place the works. About 60% of our acquisitions were with Noel, and we are far better off because of her passion for both the client and the art. Our best wishes are extended to her as she continues her work of inspiring others.”
Harvey and Cindy Gantt Gantt
Huberman Architects
Former Mayor of Charlotte, NC

“As a young collector of African descent, Noel has introduced me to the importance of collecting and persevering art from the African Diaspora. Her passion and depth of knowledge of art history and her enthusiasm in sharing information and art opportunities have in return fueled my passion for collecting and education in art collecting.
Marc Fuller
“How does she know ?? I would always ask myself… How did she know to find emerging artists who went on to become world acclaimed? How did she bring the already world acclaimed artists right to our doorsteps…and onto our walls? And what kind of skill does she possess that she can hang the works in our homes with a clear vision, of the artists, the works of art, the home, and homeowners. It is a talent as great as the works she represents. And perhaps other gifts as well… because Noel is perpetually exploring the art markets, constantly enhancing relationships with artists; she is exceedingly kind, smart, patient, and hilariously witty”.

“B.E. Noel has placed an indelible mark on our family’s art collection. As a direct result of her unique guidance, expertise and access to preeminent artists, she has developed not only our collection but also our role as collectors in sharing our work with art museums, university museums and cultural centers throughout US. Her inspiration has GREATLY ENRICHED our experience of living with art.
I was compelled to acknowledge her impact on our art journey in my book ‘The Incredible Joy of Collecting African American Art: My Journey from Frog Town, SC to the National Gallery‘”
Patrick & Judy Diamond
“Noel has been my trusted art expert, advisor, agent and intermediary for 20+ years. She has introduced me to new artists and taught me what and who to look for, appreciate and collect as I started and grew my collection. Above all, she has been a trusted friend whose advice I can always count on in any business dealings with her and others.”
The Honorable Mel Watt and Mrs. & Eulada Watt

“The Mint Museum Library’s relationship with Noel grows more each year and my gratitude along with it. Her donations of significant print resources on African American art have enriched the library’s holdings multi-fold. Additionally, her insight on artists, and her knowledge of new and upcoming artists, designers, exhibitions, and art events has enabled me to thoughtfully expand the range and depth of the library’s holdings on contemporary art, fashion, craft and design. Her generosity of spirit and her profound knowledge of the world in which she works are remarkable and I am fortunate she shares both!”
Joyce Weaver
Director of Library & Archives Mint Museum of Art
“B.E. Noel’s arrival to Charlotte rocked our artistic world! Aside from the depth of talent that was displayed along her gallery walls, she meticulously guided my wife and I through the process of trusting our attraction to a work of art and investing in fine art as a valuable cultural expression. Until that encounter, our collecting of art was happen-stance, without a long-term strategy to build a body of work of historical or sentimental value. Had it not been for her careful guidance, our home would not reflect today’s transformative experience by artists that we would never have considered simply because we were neither aware of their existence nor their remarkable works. Thank you, B.E. Noel.”
David and Alfreda Belton CLT/DC

“Noel has been a consummate supporter of artists and institutions over the course of her career. For more than a decade, I have worked with her to secure some key loans and acquisitions that include works by Kehinde Wiley, Richard Hunt, and Barbara Chase-Riboud. Noel is perhaps best characterized by her passionate love of art, her unwavering dedication to the artists, collectors, and curators she works with, and an infectious enthusiasm and joy.”
Marshall Price
Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art
Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
“I have known Noel for nearly 30 years and have worked with her on many occasions: on exhibitions, publications, public programs, fundraising, and press awareness. She is a terrific collaborator and partner bringing intellect and buoyancy to any project that she is involved in. Her passion and drive for artists and artwork, for clients and journalists, and for legacy building of the African American Art experience benefits any community in which she serves. It is always rewarding to work with Noel. it is always a joy.”
Brooke Davis Anderson
Museum Director, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia

“Art advocate, collector, civic leader… B.E.Noel has a thirty-year commitment to presenting nationally and internationally renowned American artists of African descent. From 1989 Jonathan Green exhibit at her very first location to award-winning exhibits including Benny Andrews and Sam Gilliam at Noel Gallery from 19978-2005 to her current art advisory business Noel Art Liaison 2005-present; she has facilitated public art projects, important donations to museums throughout the US including “Spring” by Joyce J Scott to the Mint Museum of Art. Noel has served as a board trustee at The Mint Museum of Art, The Arts and Science Council, the Penland School of Craft, and as an advisor to numerous organizations. She is also an archivist with an extensive library of over 500 texts, catalogues, monographs, and ephemera. It is an immeasurable private resource here in Charlotte. Recently she donated significant volumes to the Mint Library, making them accessible to the public”
Jennifer Sudal Edwards PhD
Mint Museum of Art Chief Curator and Curator of Contemporary Art
“There are so many ways Noel Gallery and Noel Art Liaison have supported, throughout the years, the organizations that I work for, and me. When I came to Charlotte, NC, in 1993, being an immigrant artist was challenging to find places where I feel connected. I discovered Noel Gallery and meet Noel. It was a refreshing way to get involved in art scene in Charlotte and especially artists of color. In 2001, Noel allowed me to show my jewelry in her gallery, advised me, and helped me gain confidence as an artist and later as an art administrator. I witnessed several times how she discovered new artists in the city and advocated for them. Her continued support of the art scene in Charlotte and many other places is priceless. I admired Noel and am thankful that I have been lucky to find her!”
Claudia Gonzalez Griffin
Director of Residencies + Programs
McColl Center for The Visual Arts

I am a multimedia, installation artist and author, originally from rural North Carolina. I owe many individuals for helping me along the way, but one of these individual angels, who really made the biggest contributions to my artistic growth, is B. E. Noel. She selected me to be one of her emerging artists, surrounded by a roster of art masters of the African Diaspora at her beautiful gallery on North Tryon Street in the heart of Uptown Charlotte’s arts district. I felt fortunate enough to have my first solo exhibition in 1998 alongside the great, Bennie Andrews. At Noel Gallery, I was able to meet and rub shoulders with artists like Sam Gilliam, Richard Hunt, David Driskell and see on her gallery walls, the work of Jacob Lawrence, Elizabeth Catlett, and the work of Lois Mailou Jones. Noel went on to work tirelessly to guide me in honing my skills regarding the presentation of my art, the presentation of myself, the marketing of my work and even shaping my own narrative, my artistic voice. Who does that these days? Well B. E Noel did ALL of that, and then some. She continues to be in my corner, inspiring me to take my work to levels I never dreamed of.
Willie Little
B.E. Noel is my Auntie, “T-Love” has had a profound impact on the way I view fine art and on my artistic tastes, in ways I’m sure I’ve taken for granted and yet fully quantified. Mostly, she’s been an example of someone who has complete confidence in her aesthetic and is courageous enough to deploy it on behalf of the artists she believes in. More than that, she’s a self-made woman who’s inspired me to make my dreams a reality no matter how unique or unlikely.
Kyle Jordan